add solution for nbcontest, progra, n°2

This commit is contained in:
Wilfried OLLIVIER 2014-11-17 17:27:38 +01:00
parent 7e5570b1e0
commit 2be1683253

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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
#!/usr/bin/env lua
-- require ---------------------------------------------------------------------
local luasql = require "luasql.sqlite3" -- sqlite module
local http = require "socket.http" -- http module
local ltn12 = require("ltn12") -- ltn12 module used to convert a sink to a table
-- functions -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Extract info about the cookie used for newbiecontest connection
function extract_cookie(db)
-- cookie value
cursor = db:execute("SELECT value FROM moz_cookies WHERE host LIKE\
'' AND name LIKE '%SMFCookie%'")
cookie_value = cursor:fetch(row)
-- cookie name
cursor = db:execute("SELECT name FROM moz_cookies WHERE host LIKE\
'' AND name LIKE '%SMFCookie%'")
cookie_name = cursor:fetch(row)
return cookie_value, cookie_name
-- Extract number from a given url from newbiecontest
function extract_number(cookie_name, cookie_value, url)
-- create the table
local t = {}
-- add the SMF cookie to the header
local headers = {
["Cookie"] = cookie_name .. "=" .. cookie_value;
-- request
r = http.request{url = url,
headers = headers,
sink = ltn12.sink.table(t) -- information goes to the table t
-- convert the answer to string
string_r = table.concat(t)
-- extract the number
number = string.match(string_r, "%d+")
return number
-- Do the sqrt(a) * b
function calcul(a, b)
y = math.sqrt(a) * b
return math.floor(y)
-- Give the response back to the server
function send_response(r, url)
-- crate the table
local t = {}
-- concatenate the url
url = url .. "?solution=" .. r
-- add the SMF cookie to the header
local headers = {
["Cookie"] = cookie_name .. "=" .. cookie_value;
-- send the reply
r = http.request{url = url,
headers = headers,
sink = ltn12.sink.table(t)
print(table.concat(t)) -- print the token
return 0
-- main -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if table.maxn(arg) < 4
print("Get. The. Fuck. Out")
print("[i] Usage : ./calcul.lua file_db url_1 url_2 url_3")
-- sqlite connection
env = luasql.sqlite3()
conn = env:connect(arg[1])
cookie_value, cookie_name = extract_cookie(conn)
a = extract_number(cookie_name, cookie_value, arg[2])
b = extract_number(cookie_name, cookie_value, arg[3])
r = calcul(a, b)
send_response(r, arg[4])
-- sqlite close