# GenServer ## How to create a scheduled job (kudos [href](https://github.com/hrefhref)) ### Code ```elixir defmodule Jobs do # Jobs module is based on GenServer use GenServer # Init with `init` as initial value, then continue def init(init) do # call to handle_continue {:ok, init, {:continue, :work}} end # Exec the job for the first time, at the end of init def handle_continue(:work, state) do {:noreply, work_then_reschedule(state)} end # Exec the job when :work message is received def handle_info(:work, state) do {:noreply, work_then_reschedule(state)} end # Get timer from config.exs def get_timer_config() do {:ok, timer} = Application.fetch_env(:app, :timer) timer end # Do the important stuff defp work_then_reschedule(state) do # Modify state state = state + 1 IO.puts(state) IO.puts("Work, then reschedule !") # Reschedule, later Process.send_after(self(), :work, get_timer_config() * 1000) # Return updated state state end end ``` ### Usage ```iex iex> {:ok, pid} = GenServer.start_link(Jobs, 1) {:ok, #PID<0.251.0>} ```