--- title: "Demystifying Ruby ♦️ (1/3): It's all about threads" subtitle: "Is Ruby a true parallel language ?!" date: 2024-10-20 draft: false author: Wilfried tags: [dev, languages, ruby, demystifying-ruby] --- [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org) is a dynamic, **interpreted**, open-source programming language known for its simplicity, productivity, and its “human-readable” syntax. Ruby is often used in web development, particularly with the [Ruby on Rails](https://rubyonrails.org/) framework. It supports object-oriented, functional, and imperative programming paradigms. The most known and used Ruby Virtual Machine is the **M**atz **R**uby **I**nterpreter (aka CRuby), developed by [Yukihiro Matsumoto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukihiro_Matsumoto) (aka Matz), the creator of Ruby. All other Ruby implementation such as [JRuby](https://www.jruby.org/), [TruffleRuby](https://github.com/oracle/truffleruby) and so on are out of the scope of this blog post. The **MRI** implements the **G**lobal **I**nterpreter **L**ock, a mechanism to ensure that one and only one thread runs at the same time effectively limiting **true parallelism**. Reading between the lines, one can understand that Ruby **is multi-threaded**, but with a **parallelism limit of 1** (or maybe more 👀). Many popular Gems such as [Puma](https://github.com/puma/puma), [Sidekiq](https://github.com/sidekiq/sidekiq), [Rails](https://github.com/rails/rails), [Sentry](https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-ruby) are multi-threaded ## Process 💎, Ractor 🦖, Threads 🧵 and Fibers 🌽 Here’s an overview of all the intricated layers in Ruby that deal with concurrency and parallelism ([and yes they are not the same thing](https://go.dev/blog/waza-talk)). Let's explore each of them in depth. [![](https://mermaid.ink/img/pako:eNp90T1rwzAQBuC_Ii6LA_bQuos1FGKblkKH0GbUIkunWlS2jD5oQsh_r5q4JKE0mg7pfY5DtwdhJQKFD8ennmxaNpJ0VhmDtbMCvSfZmjtuDBrthyWDJSmKR1KnwBsXwbo_76cO9THWpNimd8glyRo7iugcjiEnHQoePRKrSOiRPL-8nmVzlG2ST7pDdwnPIR92BsmKKG0MXahK5T44-4l0UZblXBdfWoaePkzbS1PPputumPLaNLOpVPW_ub827e9st8zdtIUcBnQD1zJtYf_TgUH6kwEZ0FRKVDyawICNhxTlMdj33SiABhcxhzhJHrDVPO1vOF0evgGmupYU?type=png)](https://mermaid.live/edit#pako:eNp90T1rwzAQBuC_Ii6LA_bQuos1FGKblkKH0GbUIkunWlS2jD5oQsh_r5q4JKE0mg7pfY5DtwdhJQKFD8ennmxaNpJ0VhmDtbMCvSfZmjtuDBrthyWDJSmKR1KnwBsXwbo_76cO9THWpNimd8glyRo7iugcjiEnHQoePRKrSOiRPL-8nmVzlG2ST7pDdwnPIR92BsmKKG0MXahK5T44-4l0UZblXBdfWoaePkzbS1PPputumPLaNLOpVPW_ub827e9st8zdtIUcBnQD1zJtYf_TgUH6kwEZ0FRKVDyawICNhxTlMdj33SiABhcxhzhJHrDVPO1vOF0evgGmupYU) [You're inside a simulation of a simulation…inside another giant simulation! *laughs harder*](https://youtu.be/GJfsbhJY8gk) By default, all this nested structure exist in the most simple Ruby program you can think of. I need you to trust me, so here is a proof : ```ruby #!/usr/bin/env ruby # Print the current Process ID puts "Current Process ID: #{Process.pid}" # Ractor puts "Current Ractor: #{Ractor.current}" # Print the current Thread puts "Current Thread: #{Thread.current}" # Print the current Fiber puts "Current Fiber: #{Fiber.current}" ``` ``` Current Process ID: 6608 Current Ractor: # Current Thread: # Current Fiber: # ``` Every piece of Ruby code runs in a Fiber, that runs in a Thread, that runs in a Ractor, that runs in a Process ### Process 💎 This one is probably the easier to understand. Your computer is running many processes in parallel for example : your window manager and the web browser you are using right now are two processes that runs in parallel. So to run Ruby processes in parallel, you can just open two terminal windows and run one program in each and voilà (or you can also run `fork` in your program). In this case, scheduling is orchestrated by the Operating System, memory is isolated between process A and process B (like, you don’t want Word to have access to your browser memory ?) If you want to pass data from process A to process B, you need interprocessus communication mechanisms such as pipes, queues, sockets, signals or more trivial stuff like a shared file where one read and the other write (beware of race-condition then!) ### Ractor 🦖 Ractors are a new, experimental feature designed to achieve parallel execution within a Ruby program. Managed by the VM (and not the Operating System), Ractors use native threads under the hood to run in paralllel. Each Ractor behaves like an independent virtual machine (VM) inside the same Ruby process, with its own isolated memory. "Ractor" stands for "Ruby Actors," and, as in the Actor model, Ractors communicate by passing messages to exchange data without the need for shared memory, avoiding the `Mutex` approach. Each Ractor has its own GIL, allowing them to run independently without interference from other Ractors. In summary, Ractors offer a model for true parallelism where memory isolation prevents race conditions, and message-passing provides a structured and safe way for Ractors to interact, enabling efficient parallel execution in Ruby. Lets try it ![^1] ```ruby require 'time' # `sleep` used here is not really CPU bound but it’s used to simplify the example def cpu_bound_task() sleep(2) end # Divide a large range into smaller chunks ranges = [ (1..25_000), (25_001..50_000), (50_001..75_000), (75_001..100_000) ] # Start timing start_time = Time.now # Create Ractors to calculate the sum in parallel with delays ractors = ranges.map do |range| Ractor.new(range) do |r| cpu_bound_task() r.sum end end # Collect results from all Ractors sum = ractors.sum(&:take) # End timing end_time = Time.now # Calculate and display total execution time execution_time = end_time - start_time puts "Total sum: #{sum}" puts "Parallel Execution time: #{execution_time} seconds" # Start timing start_time = Time.now sum = ranges.sum do |range| cpu_bound_task() range.sum end # End timing end_time = Time.now # Calculate and display total execution time execution_time = end_time - start_time puts "Total sum: #{sum}" puts "Sequential Execution time: #{execution_time} seconds" ``` ``` warning: Ractor is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby! Also there are many implementation issues. Total sum: 5000050000 Parallel Execution time: 2.005622 seconds Total sum: 5000050000 Sequential Execution time: 8.016461 seconds ``` **And here is the proof that Ractors run in parallel.** As I said earlier they are fairly experimental and not used in many Gems nor code you might see. **The are really here to distribute intensive CPU bound tasks to all you CPU cores.** ### Thread 🧵 The key difference between OS threads and Ruby threads lies in how they handle concurrency and resource management. OS threads are managed by the operating system, allowing them to run in parallel across multiple CPU cores, making them more resource-intensive but enabling true parallelism. In contrast, Ruby threads—especially in MRI Ruby—are managed by the interpreter and restricted by the **G**lobal **I**nterpreter **L**ock (**GIL**), meaning only one thread can execute Ruby code at a time, limiting them to concurrency without true parallelism. This makes Ruby threads lightweight (also known as “Green Threads”) but unable to fully utilize multicore systems (as opposed to Ractor that allow multiple “Ruby VM” to run in the same process). Let’s take a look at this code snippet that uses threads : ```ruby require 'time' def slow(name, duration) puts "#{name} start - #{Time.now.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}" sleep(duration) puts "#{name} end - #{Time.now.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}" end puts 'no threads' start_time = Time.now slow('1', 3) slow('2', 3) puts "total : #{Time.now - start_time}s\n\n" puts 'threads' start_time = Time.now thread1 = Thread.new { slow('1', 3) } thread2 = Thread.new { slow('2', 3) } thread1.join thread2.join puts "total : #{Time.now - start_time}s\n\n" ``` ``` no threads 1 start - 08:23:20 1 end - 08:23:23 2 start - 08:23:23 2 end - 08:23:26 total : 6.006063s threads 1 start - 08:23:26 2 start - 08:23:26 1 end - 08:23:29 2 end - 08:23:29 total : 3.006418s ``` The Ruby interpreter controls when threads are switched, typically after a set number of instructions or when a thread performs a blocking operation like file I/O or network access. This allows Ruby to be effective for I/O-bound tasks, even though CPU-bound tasks remain limited by the **GIL**. There is some shenanigans available for you to use, like the `priority` attribute instruct the interpreter that you want it to favor the run of a thread with a higher priority, without any guarantee the the Ruby VM will honor it. If you want to go more brutal `Thread.pass` is available. As a rule of thumb, it’s considered a bad idea to play with those low level instructions in your code. But why the need for the **GIL** in the first place ? Because the internal structures of the **MRI** are not thread safe! It’s very specific to the **MRI** other Ruby implementations like **JRuby** don’t have those limitations. Finally, do not forget that threads **share memory**, so this open the door to race conditions. Here is an overcomplicated example for you to understand this. It relies on the fact that class level variables shares the same memory space. Using class variables for something else than a constant is considered a bad practice. ```ruby # frozen_string_literal: true class Counter # Shared class variable @@count = 0 def self.increment 1000.times do current_value = @@count sleep(0.0001) # Small delay to allow context switches @@count = current_value + 1 # Increment the count end end def self.count @@count end end # Create an array to hold the threads threads = [] # Create 10 threads that all increment the @@count variable 10.times do threads << Thread.new do Counter.increment end end # Wait for all threads to finish threads.each(&:join) # Display the final value of @@count puts "Final count: #{Counter.count}" # Check if the final count matches the expected value if Counter.count == 10_000 puts "Final count is correct: #{Counter.count}" else puts "Race condition detected: expected 10000, got #{Counter.count}" end ``` ``` Final count: 1000 Race condition detected: expected 10000, got 1000 ``` The sleep here force a context switch to another thread as it’s an I/O operation. This results in the `@@count` value being reset to previous value when the context changes back from thread to thread. In your day to day code, you should not use thread, but it’s good to know that they exists under the hood in most of the Gems we use daily! ### Fiber 🌽 Here we go for the final nested level ! Fiber is a very lightweight cooperative concurrency mechanism. Unlike threads, fibers are not preemptively scheduled; instead, they explicitly pass control back and forth. [`Fiber.new`](http://Fiber.new) take the block you will execute in you fiber. From there, you can use `Fiber.yield` and `Fiber.resume` to control the back and forth between the fibers. As we saw earlier, Fibers run inside the same Ruby thread (so they share the same memory space). As every other concept highlighted in this blog post, you should consider `Fiber` as a very low level interface and I would avoid building a lot of code based on them. The only valid use case for me is `Generator`. With `Fiber` s it’s relatively easy to create a lazy generator as in the code below. ```ruby def fibernnacci Fiber.new do a, b = 0, 1 loop do Fiber.yield a a, b = b, a + b end end end fib = fibernnacci 5.times do puts Time.now.to_s puts fib.resume end ``` ``` 2024-10-19 15:58:54 +0200 0 2024-10-19 15:58:54 +0200 1 2024-10-19 15:58:54 +0200 1 2024-10-19 15:58:54 +0200 2 2024-10-19 15:58:54 +0200 3 ``` As you can see in this output, code lazy generates values only when they need to be consumed. This allows for interesting patterns and properties you might need in your toolbelt. Once again, as it’s low level API, using Fibers in your code is probably not the best idea. The most known Gem that heavily use Fibers is the [Async](https://github.com/socketry/async) Gem (used by [Falcon](https://github.com/socketry/falcon)). ## Wrap Up Ruby provides several concurrency models, each with unique characteristics suited for different tasks. - **Processes** offer full memory isolation and can run in parallel across CPU cores, making them great for tasks that need complete separation but are resource-heavy. - **Ractors**, introduced in Ruby 3, also provide parallelism with memory isolation, but within the same process, allowing for safer parallel execution by passing messages between ractors. - **Threads** are lighter than processes, sharing memory within the same process, and can run concurrently, but they require careful synchronization to avoid race conditions. - **Fibers** are the lightest concurrency mechanism, offering cooperative multitasking by manually yielding control. They share the same memory and are most useful for building generators or coroutines, rather than parallel execution. With that knowledge, you now have arguments to enter the never-ending [Puma](https://github.com/puma/puma) (threads-first approach) vs. [Unicorn](https://rubygems.org/gems/unicorn/versions/5.1.0?locale=fr) (process-first approach) debate. Just remember, discussing this topic is like trying to explain the difference between Vi and Emacs! It’s an exercise left to the reader to find out which one is the winner![^2] [^1]: [A must read on the `.map(&:something)` syntax](https://womanonrails.com/one-line-map-ruby) [^2]: spoiler: it depends