# YAWL (yet another widget library) This is my shot to create an Awesome Widget Library. Since I dislike all the other one I found, I created mine. Consider all this as **experimental**. ## Overview All the things are wrapped into module. Each module in the widget folder provides it's own widget. Each widget is made of two component, an icon and some text. ## Usage Let's consider the battery widget To use it, ensure `yawl` is in the awesome config directory, then add ```lua local battery = require("yawl.widgets.battery") [..] s.mywibox:setup { { -- Right widgets battery.widget(), }, } ``` ### Configuration Widgets colors can be configured using the following variables in your `theme.lua` ```lua -- YAWL required theme settings theme.yawl_font = theme.font theme.yawl_bg = "#458588" -- default bg theme.yawl_bg_ok = "#98971a" -- no email theme.yawl_bg_nok = "#fb4934" -- email in mailbox theme.yawl_fg = "#FFFFFF" -- default fg theme.yawl_spotify_absent = theme.bg_normal -- bg when spotify not running theme.yawl_spotify_pause = "#d79921" -- bg when spotify running (paused) theme.yawl_spotify_play = "#d3869b" -- bg when spotify running (playing) theme.yawl_battery_full = "#b8bb26" -- battery full + 70% theme.yawl_battery_mid = "#d79921" -- battery medium 30% - 70% theme.yawl_battery_low = "#fb4934" -- battery low - 30% ``` Mail widget take path to watched imap folder as an argument ```lua mails.widget("/home/papey/mails/bt/Inbox/new"), ``` ## Dependencies Here is a list of some dependencies required by some modules - spotify : requires [playerctl](https://github.com/altdesktop/playerctl) to get current playing status - pomodoro : requires [calabash](https://github.com/papey/calabash) to track pomodoro sessions and `dkjson` to parse calabash client output