-- YAWL, Battery widget module local battery = {} local mt = {} -- Requires local wibox = require("wibox") local base = require("yawl.base") local utils = require("yawl.utils") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local watch = require("awful.widget.watch") -- Entrypoint function mt.__call() -- base txt widget local t = base.txt() local w = base.bg() w:set_widget(t) -- change default bg to battery full w:set_bg(beautiful.yawl_battery_full) -- icon widget local i = base.icon("") -- merge of the two local widget = wibox.widget { i, w, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, } -- watch func watch( 'acpi', 10, function(_, stdout, stderr, exitreason, exitcode) -- get lines for acpi local lines = utils.split(stdout, "[^\r\n]+") -- use first line (BAT0), get elements -- 1 : Battery -- 2 : :0 -- 3 : State (Full, Discharching, Charging) -- 4 : Level (X%) local parts = utils.split(lines[1], "%S+") -- format data in dedicated vars local level = string.gsub(parts[4], "%%,?", "") local state = string.gsub(parts[3], ",", "") -- set background based on level if tonumber(level) >= 70 then i:set_text(" ") w:set_bg(beautiful.yawl_battery_full) elseif tonumber(level) >= 30 then i:set_text(" ") w:set_bg(beautiful.yawl_battery_mid) else i:set_text(" ") w:set_bg(beautiful.yawl_battery_low) end -- set state based on charging, full or discharching local st = "" if state == "Full" then st = "" elseif state == "Discharging" then st = "" elseif state == "Charging" then st = "" else st = "" end t:set_text(" " .. st .. " " .. level .. "% ") end, w ) return widget end -- Return widget return setmetatable(battery, mt)