-- YAWL, utils module local utils = {} -- strim, for simple trim function utils.strim(char) return char:gsub("\n", "") end -- count line number function utils.lc(str) return select(2, str:gsub("\n", "\n")) end -- cut line function utils.cut(str) return str:sub(1, 130) end -- sanitize line with trim and cut function utils.sanitize(str) local temp = utils.strim(str) local temp = utils.cut(temp) return temp end -- split is used to split a line using a regex function utils.split(str, regex) local content = {} for s in str:gmatch(regex) do table.insert(content, s) end return content end -- run command and get output function utils.run(cmd) local reader = io.popen(cmd, "r") local content = reader:read('*a') reader:close() return content end -- Return module return utils