--- # https://www.influxdata.com/blog/deploying-influxdb-with-ansible/ - name: Ensure apt-transport-https apt: name: apt-transport-https state: present update_cache: yes - name: Ensure python dependencies apt: name: [ 'python-requests', 'python-pip' ] state: present - name: Ensure python-influxdb pip: name: influxdb state: present - name: Ensure Influx Data signing key apt_key: url: "{{ influx.repo }}" state: present - name: Ensure Influx Data repo apt_repository: repo: deb https://repos.influxdata.com/debian {{ ansible_distribution_release }} stable state: present filename: influxdata - name: Ensure Influx pkg apt: name: influxdb state: present update_cache: yes - name: Ensure influx is started and enabled systemd: name: influxdb state: started enabled: yes - name: Check if admin user is created stat: path: /etc/influxdb/admin register: admin - name: Create admin user import_tasks: admin.yml when: admin.stat.exists == False - name: Push influxdb config, with auth enable template: src: influxdb.conf.j2 dest: /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf notify: reload influxdb