galaxy-influx.create.db ======================= Galaxy role to create InfluxDB database and user Requirements ------------ InfluxDB service up and running Role Variables -------------- - db_name: name of the db to create - user_name: name of the user to create - user_pass: user password - admin_user: name of admin user - admin_pass: password of admin user - is_admin: true/false, to enable admin mode or not - priv: READ/WRITE/ALL, to setup database priv of user_name on db_name - policy_name: name of the retention policy to apply - policy_duration: duration of the retention policy to apply - policy_replication: policy replication Dependencies ------------ - galaxy-influx Example Playbook ---------------- Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too: - hosts: servers roles: - role: galaxy-influx.create.db Run tests --------- Needs galaxy-vagrant to run tests Ensure galaxy-vagrant is up ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test.yml