--- # tasks file for galaxy-caddy - name: Create Caddy user user: name=caddy system=yes createhome=yes home={{ caddy_home }} shell=/bin/nologin tags: user - name: Get all Caddy releases get_url: url=https://api.github.com/repos/mholt/caddy/git/refs/tags dest={{ caddy_home }}/releases force=yes when: caddy_update register: caddy_releases_cache - name: Download new Caddy version or build get_url: url=https://caddyserver.com/download/linux/amd64?license=personal&telemetry=off dest=/tmp/caddy.tar.gz force=yes when: caddy_releases_cache.changed register: caddy_binary_cache - name: Extract new Caddy version or build unarchive: src=/tmp/caddy.tar.gz dest=/usr/bin/ copy=no when: caddy_binary_cache.changed - name: Ensure setcap bin apt: name=libcap2-bin state=present - name: Check if the binary can bind to TCP port <1024 shell: getcap /usr/bin/caddy | grep cap_net_bind_service failed_when: False changed_when: False register: caddy_bind_cap - name: Set capability on the binary file to be able to bind to TCP port <1024 command: setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/bin/caddy when: caddy_bind_cap.rc > 0 - name: Create caddy needed directories file: path={{ item }} state=directory owner=caddy with_items: - "{{ caddy_conf }}" - "{{ caddy_confd }}" - "{{ caddy_logs }}" - "{{ caddy_www }}" - name: Caddyfile template: src=caddyfile.j2 dest={{ caddy_conf }}/Caddyfile notify: restart caddy - name: Push vhost test page caddy config template: src=http.caddy.j2 dest={{ caddy_confd }}/test.caddy notify: restart caddy - name: Create test www dir file: path={{ caddy_www }}/test state=directory owner=caddy group=caddy - name: Push test page source copy: src=test.html dest={{ caddy_www }}/test/index.html - name: Create Test page logs dir file: path={{ caddy_logs }}/test state=directory owner=caddy - name: Systemd service template: src=caddy.service.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/caddy.service notify: - start caddy