galaxy-caddy ============ Install and update Caddy webserver on Debian Requirements ------------ None Role Variables -------------- - caddy_home: home of caddy user - caddy_logs: logs directory - caddy_conf: conf directory - caddy_confd: confd directory - caddy_www: directory used to store websites sources - caddy_email: email used to register ACME/Let's Encrypt stuff - caddy_update: yes/no - activate caddy updates - test_url: url used for the test page - test_acme: should the test page use acme or internal HTTPS - test_name: name of the test - test_code: test page source code directory - test_www: yes/no - enable redirection from www. to . Dependencies ------------ None Example Playbook ---------------- - hosts: servers roles: - { role: galaxy-caddy, test_url: } Run tests --------- Needs galaxy-vagrant to run tests Ensure galaxy-vagrant is up ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test.yml